Middleburg is located in Clay County. It has 7 elementary schools, 2 junior highs, and one high school. The 7 elementary schools are Coppergate, Doctors Inlet, Middleburg, RideOut, Swimming Pen Creek, Tynes, and Wilkinson. The junior high school is Wilkinson. The high school is Middleburg High.
Elementary schools start at 8:30 am. The junior high starts at 9:30 am and the high school starts at 7 am. School buses are available and based off of the distance from home to school.
The 2023-2024 school year starts on Thursday, August 10.
Clay County District Schools website: https://www.myoneclay.net
2023-2024 yearly calendar: https://www.myoneclay.net/calendar
Schools Telephone Numbers
Coppergate Elementary 904-336-0675
Doctors Inlet Elementary 904-336-0975
Middleburg Elementary 904-336-1875
RideOut Elementary 904-336-2875
Swimming Pen Creek Elementary 904-336-3475
Tynes Elementary 904-336-3850
Wilkinson Elementary 904-336-4075
Wilkinson Junior High 904-336-6175
Middleburg High 904-336-8075
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School Rezoning Information:
Florida School Grades
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IG: https://www.instagram.com/oneclaycountyschools/