About River Birch Realty in Jacksonville, Florida

Customer-Focused Real Estate Services

River Birch Realty is located in the Jacksonville, Florida area. It is an independently owned and operated real estate company that is dedicated to serving the real estate needs of our customers with professionalism, quality customer service, honesty, integrity, and attention to detail.

We are a small company that takes pride in the quality of service that we provide, not the quantity that we sell. We find that our customers are extremely satisfied with the services we provide because they know that our first concern is always their best interests. The wants and needs of our customers are always at the forefront of our business practices and are the driving force behind all that we do.

Our Team:

katrina Leek - Real estate agent in Jacksonville

Katrina Leek Robinson

Broker / REALTOR®
Linda Shavers - Real estate agent in Jacksonville

Linda Willson-Shavers

Yuri Robinson - Real Estate agent in Jacksonville

Yuri Robinson

Company Photographer
Mortgage Calculator

Use the tool below to estimate your monthly mortgage payments based on the purchase price, down payment, interest rate and amortization period.

mortgage calculator

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