Schools in Orange Park, Florida

Orange Park is located in Clay County. It has 11 elementary schools, 3 junior high schools, and 3 high schools.

Elementary schools start at 8:30 am. The junior high starts at 9:30 am and the high school starts at 7 am. School buses are available and based off of the distance from home to school.

The 2023-2024 school year starts on Thursday, August 10.

Clay County District Schools website:

2023-2024 yearly calendar:


Schools                                                     Telephone Numbers

Argyle Elementary                                      904-336-0375

Discovery Oaks Elementary                       904-336-4275

Grove Park Elementary                              904-336-1275

Lakeside Elementary                                  904-336-1675

Montclair Elementary                                904-336-1975

Oakleaf Village Elementary                      904-336-2425

Orange Park Elementary                          904-336-2275

Plantation Oaks Elementary                    904-336-2775

Ridgeview Elementary                              904-336-3075

Bryan Jennings Elementary                     904-336-3175

W.E. Cherry Elementary                            904-336-3975

Lakeside Junior High                                904-336-5575

Oakleaf Junior High                                  904-336-5775

Orange Park Junior High                          904-336-5975

Oakleaf High                                              904-336-8375

Orange Park High                                     904-336-8675

Ridgeview High                                         904-336-8975


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School Rezoning Information:

Florida School Grades



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