Schools in Green Cove Springs, Florida

Green Cove Springs is located in Clay County. It has 4 elementary schools, 2 junior highs, and one high school. The 4 elementary schools are Charles E. Bennett, Lake Asbury, Shadowlawn, and Spring Park. The 2 junior high schools are Lake Asbury and Green Cove Springs. The high school is Clay High.

Elementary schools start at 8:30 am. The junior high starts at 9:30 am and the high school starts at 7 am. School buses are available and based off of the distance from home to school.

The 2023-2024 school year starts on Thursday, August 10.

Clay County District Schools website:

2023-2024 yearly calendar:

Telephone Numbers

Charles E. Bennett Elementary                 904-336-0475

Lake Asbury Elementary                             904-336-2575

Shadowlawn Elementary                           904-336-3375

*Spring Park Elementary                           904-336-6375

Lake Asbury Junior High                             904-336-5375

Green Cove Springs Junior High               904-336-5175

Clay High                                                       904-336-7175

*With all of the new growth in our area, the $40 million Spring Park Elementary was built and will serve approximately 862 students. It will provide relief to 5 local elementary schools: Lake Asbury, Paterson, Rideout, Charles E Bennett, and Thunderbolt.

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School Rezoning Information:

Florida School Grades




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